“Critical Practice Transition Strategies for GPs
Ages 39 to 75”

A complimentary colleague appreciation webinar
by Dr. Tom “The Gems Guy” Orent

Dr. Tom "The Gems Guy" Orent

Dr. Stephen Covey warned us. Said we fail to invest the time required to tend to the most important things in our businesses and lives. The “quadrant” he called “Important but Not Urgent.”

This could easily be the most important decision of your professional career… and most docs get it wrong.

How many times have you heard,

"You've got to have an exit strategy..."

For most dentists, an "exit strategy" has always included selling your practice. Well, for many dentists that would be the biggest mistake of your career, possibly the biggest mistake of your life. For some, selling does make sense… but, the revenue lost by dentists making the most common transition errors would fill the biggest sinkhole in Florida. What are your alternatives?

Why is this webinar important even for dentists in your thirties?  Planning your exit strategy is a critical part of every successful business and should be done early on and revised on an ongoing basis.  The strategies in this Webinar can be used to hyperspace your revenue whether to maximize sale value or simply boost your income as well as your lifestyle for decades to come.

Whether Selling or Perhaps an Alternative is Best for You, Don’t Miss this Webinar!

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Thursday , Oct 24
8:30 PM Eastern Time

During this Program You’ll DISCOVER  

The fastest way to increase the sale value of your practice prior to your transition…  Potentially even doubling or tripling that number.  Whether you are 59 and thinking about the transition within the next five are 10 years or 39 and not even in your prime, you may want to deploy the strategy!
How to calculate the value of your practice with 95% accuracy in 10 seconds or less without a calculator or spreadsheet.  Getting a handle on this number is a critical piece of your transition planning puzzle regardless of your stage of practice or age, and you don’t need a CPA, transition specialist or attorney to figure it out.
Two things you must include in your next lease negotiation in order to ensure that reading your lease isn’t the death of an otherwise potentially lucrative practice transition.

The #1 reason for the common “revolving door of associates” who always seem to start out with the best of intentions, you hope will one day buy into the practice (or even purchase it outright), but simply never seem to pull the trigger in the end. And how to SOLVE that problem for once and forever.

The criminal acts one young dentist committed against my father and his practice, and how appropriate transition planning would likely have avoided the entire disastrously expensive mess.

Reason NUMBER ONE you should NEVER sell your dental practice. Once you understand the math behind my conviction you’ll think twice about when is the right time for you to sell… if ever.
Reason NUMBER TWO you should NEVER sell your dental practice. This has nothing to do with money. But it is a matter of life and death. In fact, it’s the true story of 3 men, 12 months, and 3 deaths.
Who should sell their dental practices? During this program I’ll reveal my air-tight case for why you should never sell your practice. Then I’ll suggest that there is one exception… and will detail exactly who should sell.
How to sell your practice for 100% maximum value even when nobody seems willing to buy it.
Thursday , Oct 24
   8:30 PM Eastern Time
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One man’s journey from small town solo practitioner who suffered unbearable personal tragedy and subsequently nearly lost his practice and his home…  to serial entrepreneur… becoming one of the wealthiest and most successful dentists/businessmen in America today.

How to net $250,000.00 per year, retiring in practice… working only 42 days per year and still maintain 100% ownership and thus the full equity value of your practice.

Which single difference can increase sale value of your practice by as much as 30% or more over your colleague on the same street with the same number of patients performing the exact same amount and type of dentistry? HINT: it has nothing to do with the Real Estate or office space lease.

How to increase your productivity and your practice value by $100,000+ per year without adding staff, more doctors or a single additional chairside hour.
How to sell your practice and to get 200% of what others would normally receive for the exact same practice…  And have much more fun and make a lot more money in the process of your exit!
The easiest way to rapidly and consistently increase practice value and net collections, over which you have precise and total control.
The story of a 68-year-old dentist who, although practicing in a financially devastated blighted suburb of Detroit, paid off one million dollars debt, purchased a luxury car and a vacation home in Florida for cash, fully funded his retirement, and retained 100% ownership of his practice while seeing only an occasional patient of his choice.

Looking forward to having you with us!
Dr. Tom "The Gems Guy" Orent

Remember... you're just one gem away!
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